Origin of the McDermott Clan Name


The name McDermott is derived from the Gaelic Mac Diarmada, (Diarmuid) which means “Free Man”. The Prefix of the name Mac, means “son of”. Diarmait who was a son of Áed Sláine.  In the 7th century Diarmuid and Blathmac ruled together as High Kings of Ireland.

McDermott Clan Name

Diarmuid, the person the name comes from lived in the 12 Century, was a direct descendent from Maolruanaidh Mór who was a brother of the King of Connacht and descendent of the O'Connors. McDermotts have been closely associated with the area around Roscommon, even today. In early centures they were based from a castle on McDermott's Island in Lough Derg near the town of Boyle.

The Current chief of the McDermott Name, Head of the Family and direct descendent is Niall Mac Dermott, he is recognised as "The MacDermot". The Surname is one of the most common names in Ireland and is found throughout the Island.

Abbreviations of the name include MacDermot, MacDermott, McDermot, McDermott and Dermot.